Excel import in Gams dont works. GDX file is always deleted.

Hello everybody,

im working with gams and I want to include data from a excel file.
This excel file has several tables at several separate worksheets.

I always get the error that my gdx file could not be read because gams
deletes it automatically. I have no idea why.
Would be great if you help me out with some ideas or hints !

Gams Code :

$CALL GDXXRW.EXE Data1.xls set=e rng=Skillmatrix!A2:A82 rdim=1 set=q
rng=Skillmatrix!B2:F2 cdim=1 par=s rng=Skillmatrix!A1:F82 rdim=1
cdim=1 set=q rng=Skillrequirements!B2:F2 cdim=1 set=t
rng=Skillrequirements!A2:A32 rdim=1 par=r rng=Skillrequirements!A2:F32
rdim=1 cdim=1 set=t rng=Shifttypes!A2:A32 rdim=1 set=j rng=Shifttypes!
A2:A32 rdim=1 par=a rng=Shifttypes!A2:D32 rdim=1 cdim=1 set=q
rng=Costmatrix!B4:F4 cdim=1 par=c rng=Costmatrix!B4:F5 rdim=1 cdim=1
set=q rng=Costmatrix!B14:F14 cdim=1

$GDXIN Data1.gdx


e employees
q qualifications

t time period
j shift type
d day /1*2/

$LOAD e q t j


s(q,e) qualification q per employee e
a(t,j) shift parameter
c(q) cost per qualification q

r(q,t) demand of qualification q in period t

$LOAD s r a c v

binary variables
p(e,j,d) Assignment of employee e to shift j on day d

y(e,d) Day-off variable for employee e on day d


F total Costs

objective Minimize total costs
shiftperday1 At moste 1 shift per day

requirement Requirement fulfillment in each period for each

F =e= sum( (e,j,d,q), c(q) * p(e,j,d) * s(q,e))

sum(j, p(e,j,d)) =e= y(e,d)

sum( (e,j), a(t,j) * p(e,j,d) * s(q,e) ) + sum( (e,j), a(t,j) *
p(e,j,d) * s(q,e)$(ord(q)=5)) =g= r(q,t)

Model A2T2 /all/;

Solve A2T2 using MIP minimizing F;

Error log:

— Job Task_2_test.gms Start 03/11/12 17:18:27 WEX-WEI 23.7.3 x86_64/
MS Windows
GAMS Rev 237 Copyright (C) 1987-2011 GAMS Development. All rights
Licensee: GAMS Development Corporation, Washington, DC
Free Demo, 202-342-0180, sales@gams.com, www.gams.com
— Starting compilation
— Task_2_test.gms(1) 2 Mb
— call GDXXRW.EXE Data1.xls set=e rng=Skillmatrix!A2:A82 rdim=1
set=q rng=Skillmatrix!B2:F2 cdim=1 par=s rng=Skillmatrix!A1:F82 rdim=1
cdim=1 set=q rng=Skillrequirements!B2:F2 cdim=1 set=t
rng=Skillrequirements!A2:A32 rdim=1 par=r rng=Skillrequirements!

GDXXRW Jul 14, 2011 23.7.3 WIN 27723.27726 VS8 x86/MS
Input file :smiley::\Task_2_test.gms
Output file: D:\Task_2_test.gms
**** Duplicate identifier = q
Output gdx file deleted
Total time = 764 Ms
— Task_2_test.gms(3) 2 Mb
*** GDXIN failed D:\Task_2_test.gms
*** Msg: No such file or directory
— Task_2_test.gms(3) 2 Mb 1 Error
*** Error 510 in D:\Task_2_test.gms
Unable to open gdx file for $GDXIN
— Task_2_test.gms(19) 3 Mb 2 Errors
*** Error 409 in D:\Task_2_test.gms
Unrecognizable item - skip to find a new statement
looking for a ‘;’ or a key word to get started again
— Task_2_test.gms(31) 3 Mb 3 Errors
*** Error 409 in D:\Task_2_test.gms
Unrecognizable item - skip to find a new statement
looking for a ‘;’ or a key word to get started again
— Task_2_test.gms(72) 3 Mb 4 Errors
*** Error 257 in D:\Dropbox\Uni Mannheim\02Fundamentals\Shares
\FSS12\OPM 662 Modelling and Optimization of Operations Scheduling
\Assignments\Assignment 2\Task 2\Task_2_test.gms
Solve statement not checked because of previous errors
— Task_2_test.gms(72) 3 Mb 4 Errors
*** Status: Compilation error(s)
— Job Task_2_test.gms Stop 03/11/12 17:18:28 elapsed 0:00:00.913
Exit code = 2

Excel file:
http://www.xup.in/dl,65267370/Data1.xls/ (Sorry I dont know how to
attach a file into a google group)

Thanks for your help.
Looking forward to hearing from you


$onecho > task.txt
set= N rng= nodes!A7 rdim=1

**** here continue to description


  • for scalar->>>>>> par= Timestep rng= nodes!Y6 dim=0

$call gdxxrw.exe C:\KDSS_n\DSS_v2.1_finish.xls se=0 o=C:\KDSS_n\test1.gdx @task.txt trace=3
$gdxin test1.gdx

SETS n nodes ;
$loaddc N

here continue input


  1. not forgot to create new project in working folder!!!
  2. be careful and add items step by step

    – With kindly regards! Andre


thanks for your reply !

so i have to define every set and variable in a text file first? its
not possible to define them directly in gams and insert their data

whats the difference between $LOAD and $LOADDC ?
whats the meaning of this line ?

  • for scalar->>>>>> par= Timestep rng= nodes!
    Y6 dim=0

    thanks for your help !!!


On 12 Mrz., 05:14, Savitsky Andre wrote:

$onecho > task.txt
set= N rng= nodes!A7 rdim=1

**** here continue to description


  • for scalar->>>>>> par= Timestep rng= nodes!Y6 dim=0

$call gdxxrw.exe C:\KDSS_n\DSS_v2.1_finish.xls se=0 o=C:\KDSS_n\test1.gdx @task.txt trace=3
$gdxin test1.gdx

SETS n nodes ;
$loaddc N

here continue input

  1. not forgot to create new project in working folder!!!
  2. be careful and add items step by step

With kindly regards!



  1. to put information in text file more convinient I prefer to do so.
  2. load is load loaddc in is mean load and domain checking
    loaddc more strictly watch consistence of model
  3. comments show how to load scalar ->. dim=0

All the best!
