Hi Laetitia
The dimension of the equation and its complementary variable should be equal.
For example, suppose you have the income definition of several households:
Inc(h) =E= ….;
The mcp pair is inc_def.inc where the dimension is h.
You probably have something like this:
Inc(“poorâ€) =E= ….;
Inc(“richâ€) =E= ….;
Now you have two equations inc_poor and inc_rich, but only one variable inc, defined over h. You can’t write in your mcp-formulation inc_poor.inc(“poorâ€) and inc_rich.inc(“richâ€).
If you have inc_poor.inc, this also does not work, because the equation and the variable have different dimensions.
In your case the equation fs_ulaber_ru_fdef can only be paired with a variable that is not defined over a set. This is true for the other ones too.
Hope this helps
From: gamsworld@googlegroups.com [mailto:gamsworld@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Laetitia
Sent: Friday, June 22, 2012 6:04 PM
To: gamsworld@googlegroups.com
Subject: Error 70 - MCP solver
I’m trying to solve a model using mcp solver and I’m getting the error message “the dimensions of the equ.var pair do not conform”.
According to the list file, the piece of code for which i have a problem is the following:
Fs_ulabor_ru_fdef… w(“formal_r”,“ulabor”) =e= (1+deltar)*w(“informal_r”,“ulabor”);
Fs_ulabor_ru_idef… FS_ulabor(“informal_r”) =e=FS_rural_ulabor-FS_ulabor(“formal_r”);
Fs_ulabor_ur_fdef… w(“formal_u”,“ulabor”) =e= (1+deltau)*w(“informal_u”,“ulabor”);
Fs_ulabor_ur_idef… FS_ulabor(“informal_u”) =e= FS_urban_ulabor-FS_ulabor(“formal_u”);
Could you please help me to figure out this problem?
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