hi renger
thanks a lot for your help.
On Monday, May 26, 2014 12:46:50 PM UTC+4:30, Renger van Nieuwkoop wrote:
You multiply v with set t (t is not a number but a set element). Use ord(t).
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From: gams...@googlegroups.com [mailto:gams...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Vahid reza Mohammadi
Sent: Monday, May 26, 2014 8:40 AM
To: gams...@googlegroups.com
Subject: error $148
i was often dismayed by the error $148,because i really cannot found
why i was wrong.
my code is following:
1 sets
2 j activity / a1a7 /
3 k resource type / k1k3 /
4 t time period / 120 /
5 m mode /m1m2 / ;
6 alias(i,j) ;
7 alias(u,t);
8 variables
9 x(j,m,t) activity j in mode m in time t
10 sr(k) recruitment date of resource type k
11 fr(k) release date of resource type k
12 z1 total present value
13 z2 total cost of resource ;
14 binary variables x ;
15 integer variables sr, fr ;
16 parameters
17 c(k) unit cost of resource types per unit time
18 / k1 14
19 k2 23
20 k3 17 /
21 d(j,m) duration of activity j in mode m
22 / a2. m1 = 4
23 a2. m2 = 7
24 a3. m1 = 3
25 a3. m2 = 7
26 a4. m1 = 2
27 a4. m2 = 4
28 a5. m1 = 6
29 a5. m2 = 8
30 a6. m1 = 3
31 a6. m2 = 5 /
32 cf(j,m) cashflow of activity j in mode m
33 / a2. m1 = 100
34 a2. m2 = 200
35 a3. m1 = 300
36 a3. m2 = 400
37 a4. m1 = 500
38 a4. m2 = 600
39 a5. m1 = 700
40 a5. m2 = 800
41 a6. m1 = 900
42 a6. m2 = 1000 /
43 r(j,k,m) resource requirement of activity j in mode m for resource type k
44 / a2. k1. m1 = 9
45 a2. k1. m2 = 6
46 a3. k1. m1 = 12
47 a3. k1. m2 = 6
48 a3. k3. m1 = 11
49 a3. k3. m2 = 6
50 a4. k1. m1 = 3
51 a4. k1. m2 = 1
52 a4. k2. m1 = 4
53 a4. k2. m2 = 1
54 a4. k3. m1 = 3
55 a4. k3. m2 = 2
56 a5. k2. m1 = 3
57 a5. k2. m2 = 2
58 a5. k3. m1 = 4
59 a5. k3. m2 = 3
60 a6. k1. m1 = 9
61 a6. k1. m2 = 6
62 a6. k2. m1 = 4
63 a6. k2. m2 = 2 /
64 a(k) constant availability of renewable resource type k
65 / k1 30
66 k2 40
67 k3 50 /
68 ES(j) earliest start time of activity j
69 /a2 1
70 a3 1
71 a4 5
72 a5 5
73 a6 4
74 a7 20/
75 LS(j)
76 /a2 7
77 a3 7
78 a4 17
79 a5 13
80 a6 16
81 a7 20/ ;
82 scalar w deadline of the project /20/ ;
83 scalar v discount rate /0.05/ ;
84 equations
85 value define objective function 1
86 cost define objective function 2
87 precedence(i,j) precedence constraint
88 execution start time in one execution mode
89 resources renewable resources limitations
90 recruitment recruitment dates for resources
91 release release dates for resources
92 deadline project deadline is not violated ;
93 value… z1 =e= sum((j,m,t)$(ord(t)>= ES(j)and ord(t)<= LS(j)),cf(j,m)exp(
-vt)*x(j,m,t)) ;
**** $148
GAMS 24.1.2 r40979 Released Jun 16, 2013 WEX-WEI x86_64/MS Windows 05/26/14 11:02:55 Page 2
G e n e r a l A l g e b r a i c M o d e l i n g S y s t e m
Error Messages
148 Dimension different - The symbol is referenced with more/less
indices as declared
**** 1 ERROR(S) 0 WARNING(S)
could anyone tell me why there has such error?
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