Emp: 2 shared variables in 1 equation

Dear all,
I met a problem when using EMP,Equilibrium Problems.
I have 5 players(1*5), 5 nodes and demand(d) and import(a) are shared variables.
equations: for each node i : marketclear… Supply=e=d(n)+a(n);
for the whole market, sum(n,a(n))=e=0;
obj: max profit for each player i

I want to set d(n) and a(n) as shared variables but when the formula for this is like:
{VIsol {equ}}
{Implicit {var equ}}
{MAX|MIN obj {var|} {[-] equ}}
{VI {var|
} {[-] equ var} {[-] equ}}
{DualVar {var [-] equ}}

i cannot use marketclear equations twice. how could i do it ?


I looked at your question for a bit of time but there’s not enough detail to give a proper response. You don’t show any actual GAMS code, so I have to assume a lot. Too much, actually, to give a good reply.

If you created a minimal example of working code that illustrates your difficulty you’d be more likely to get a response. This guideline and others are outlined in the forum rules: please have a good look at them.



thank u very much. I have to agree it is not a good question example.
as the model is too big, i will create a toy one to show my question next time.
Thank you for your comments and have a nice day.