Display file path of .gms


I would like to ask if it is possible to display the file path of the gams file used?

The model is saved on the desktop: “C:\Users.…\Desktop\model.gms”

Is it possible to ask in the gams model to display the file path, like:

display …;

Result should be: “C:\Users.…\Desktop”

Many thanks,

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GAMS has the input file name available in the string variable %gams.i%. You can split ($setnames) an absolute/relative file name in to its parts: path, name, extension and work with these:

$log %gams.i%
$setnames “%gams.i%” filepath filename fileextension
$log %filepath%
$log %filename%
$log %fileextension%

If you needs this in a display statement do:

display ‘%gams.i%’, ‘%filepath%’;

Hope this helps,
Michael Bussieck - GAMSWorld Coordinator

On Monday, November 5, 2012 9:08:05 AM UTC-5, Ruukie wrote:


I would like to ask if it is possible to display the file path of the gams file used?

The model is saved on the desktop: “C:\Users.…\Desktop\model.gms”

Is it possible to ask in the gams model to display the file path, like:

display …;

Result should be: “C:\Users.…\Desktop”

Many thanks,

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Hi Michael,

Thank you very much for your help!
Your answer really helps me a lot!


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