Good morning and greetings from spain!
My name is Mike Lusian and I currently study and work at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. This is my first post in this forum. In the last weeks I learned how to model with GAMS.
However I have a question regarding the display of equations.
What you look at is a part of my goal function (the goal function itself is not important):
Goal =e= sum((k,l,p), B(k,l,p)*v(q,w)) + sum((g,k,p), T(g,k,p)*v(q,w)) + sum((r,u,p), O(r,u,p)*v(q,w))
Is it possible to display the costs of each summand? For example I want to display something like this after solving the model:
sum((k,l,p), B(k,l,p)*v(q,w)) = 213876.378
sum((g,k,p), T(g,k,p)*v(q,w)) = 9271.342
sum((r,u,p), O(r,u,p)*v(q,w) )= 128972.993
Or is there any other way how I can see how costly each individual summand is?
Thanks in advance and nice to meet you!