Disjunctive programming with Big M approach

Hello Seniors and Respected Teachers,
I am trying to solve a problem with disjunctive programming using a big M approach, I tried a lot but unable to solve the model , please help me in the solution of the model with binary variables. The model is attached.

Best regards
forum.gms (4.22 KB)

Your exact question is not clear. Please clarify.

Is there any specific constraint that you find difficult to model? Is there a logical condition that is causing issues?
You are more likely to get help if you are specific in your question.

  • Atharv

I’m not sure how it could be helpful

Try this, using
X - variable
D - Parameter or constantly
y - binary
M - BigM
i and j - the SET.

X(j)-D(i) =l= M*(1-y(i,j));