But that is non-linear!
On Thu, Nov 15, 2012 at 1:42 PM, HJW Vermue wrote:
Regardless of what I wrote before, I obviously meant y>=min(x,1), as that does fulfill the requirements stated.
On Tuesday, October 30, 2012 10:59:33 AM UTC+1, JapanGo wrote:
Hello Destin,
hello Babak,
thanks to both of you. The adaption of Destin made it work.
As a feedback to the community: One can also model the constraint with big M:
yM >= x
y = EPSILON and y = 0 and y wrote:
try this, maybe it helps:
x y
if x is positive, second is not considered, and from first, for example x =10, 10 y, as y is binary, it takes value 0.
I am not sure about it.
you can check H.P Williams book, Model Building for more details.
On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 8:46 PM, JapanGo wrote:
Hello GAMS community,
I am trying to find a constraint solution for the case:
if x>0 then y=1
where x is a positive integer variable and y is a binary variable.
Thus in cases where x=0 also y=0
I tried several combination (including big M, -y, (1-y) formulations etc.) but do not get to the wanted result. Maybe it is not possible with a single constraint, but needs two?
Would be great to get your opinions on it. Thanks!
Babak Saleck Pay
Socio-Economic System Engineering
Group of Industrial Engineering
University of Tehran
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