Collecting results after using grid facility

I used the grid facility to solve for numerous scenarios. However when I want to collect my results with a collection loop, I get the following error for a few result files:

— VAcollect_serdar.gms(716) 6 Mb 1 Error 45 secs
*** GDXopenRead failed /home/serdar/data/VA_d2/grid0/gmsgrid.gdx
*** Msg: No such file or directory

Normally directories where results are recorder get names that include long numbers (i.e. grid301000375). However at this instance it seems like it is looking for a directory which is called grid0 and it cannot find it. Do you have any clue why it is looking for such a directory? What could be the issue?

Many thanks in advance!

Perhaps the GAMS program got started with the option gridDir (


Thank you for the reply! I gave the command line argument gdir already, that was not the problem. I found out the problem. There are a few models that I solve for. Apparently, while I was recording the results to parameters, I made a mistake and tried to assign results to parameters for the wrong model. Some values were not there in this model, which caused the problem of searching for a directory that is not there (i.e. grid0).