You cannot use the suffix .m in a constraint. You have to use the embedded complementarity system (ECS) I described earlier! Below you’ll find the adjusted example. The construct ‘dualvar price innereq1’ essentially sets price.l = innereq1.m.
outerobj… out =e= price * sum(n,p(n));
innerobj… in =e= sum(n,Power(P(n),2)+p(n));
innereq1… sum(n,p(n)) =e= 40;
model outer / outerobj /
inner / innerobj, innereq1 /
bilevel / outer, inner /;
$onecho > “”
min in innerobj innereq1
dualvar price innereq1
solve bilevel using emp max out;
On 6/6/2011 10:41 AM, dadash wrote:
Thank you very much for taking the time to reply to me. I forgot to
say that outer level only has objective function but Inner level has
objective function and one constraint that marginal value of this
constraint is used in outer objective function.
A short Part of the code that I have written is:
outerobj… out =e= innereq1.m * sum(n,p(n));
innerobj… in =e= sum(n,Power(P(n),2)+p(n));
innereq1… sum(n,p(n)) =e= 40;
model outer / outerobj /
inner / innerobj, innereq1 /
bilevel / outer, inner /;
$onecho> C:\Users\q\Documents\gamsdir\projdir\
min in innerobj innereq1
solve bilevel using emp max out;
Do you see any mistake in it?
Thank you
On Jun 6, 2:44 pm, “Jan-H. Jagla” wrote:
What you are looking for is supported by the so-called
embedded-complementarity-systems (ECS) in EMP
I don’t understand what the marginal of the inner objective function
would tell you but you can make use of it by assigning the marginal to a
variable using the construct dualvar in the data. E.g.
dualvar xyz innereq
would allow you to use the variable xyz somewhere else in the model.
An example of how to use that can be found in model transeql
( This example models
an ‘equilibrium’ instead of a ‘bilevel program’, yet the way you would
use dualvar is the same.
On 6/5/2011 12:51 PM, dadash wrote:
Dear all,
I am a beginner GMAS user. I have to model a bilevel problem in GAMS.
I have read GAMS emp library (
alfindx.htm), but they are not illustrative and helpful. I mean, It
was great if I had an illustrative example about a bi-level problem
that has been solved with GAMS. I am grateful if you answer and help
me about bilevel modeling in GAMS. I tried to create a model, but it
gives this error:
101 solve bilevel using emp maximizing out;
**** $66,256
**** The following EMP errors were detected in model bilevel:
**** 66 equation outerobj … symbol “innereq” has no values assigned
I should explain that “innereq” is the constraint of the inner
objective function and I have to use it’s marginal value (namely
innereq.m) in outer objective function.
With much hope
[sorry for my bad English]
Jan-Hendrik Jagla
GAMS Development Corporation
1217 Potomac St. NW
Washington DC, 20007, USA
Fon/Fax: +1 202 342-0180/1
GAMS Software GmbH
Eupener Str. 135-137
50933 KÄżËln, Deutschland
Fon/Fax: +49 221 949-9170/1
Jan-Hendrik Jagla
GAMS Development Corporation
1217 Potomac St. NW
Washington DC, 20007, USA
Fon/Fax: +1 202 342-0180/1
GAMS Software GmbH
Eupener Str. 135-137
50933 Köln, Deutschland
Fon/Fax: +49 221 949-9170/1
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