I am looking for free alternatives to NEOS server to run GAMS codes (no optimization, just intensive algebraic calculations with big datasets, I mean Gigabytes). NEOS limitations (size of the files and max.time) prevent me of using it for this case.
Any updated tip would be welcome.
Thanks before-hand!
It kinda sounds like you are using gams to do scripting? This seems a bit off topic for the forum, but I like being helpful… if you are just doing a bunch of data manipulation you might want to go into a python environment and work there… or if you have a massive dataset you could put it all into a postgresql database and then do the processing there. I’ve handled data in the <10GB with python/pandas (any bigger than that and you need sql). I once had a dataset that was 150GB and postgresql was awesome. All of these examples ran on my local machine. I think you might want to investigate your tool choice rather than a new computational “service”.
Hi Adam,
Thanks for the suggestion!
The point twofold:
-We want to reuse a complex code that we have already developed in a bigger dataset (>500 GB)
-The objective is to make the code and the DB available for users to be able to run it by themselves. Having access to a powerful platform without the need of a gams license would be great.
Best regards,