Hello guys,
I have a problem about defining one of the set in my model.
Sets in the model: o sessions /14/
k booklets /1m/
i courses /187/
s students /130/;
At the beginning of the study, number of booklets (k) is unknown and my aim is to minimize the total number of booklets.
I define the booklet set 1*m, and i get 767 error (Could not extract number in * list)
If you don’t know the exact size of a set, you could define a set s /1*1000/ and then define k as a dynamic subset of a without elements: k(s).
If you have calculated the total number of booklets, you define k(s) as:
k(s)$(ord(s) lt totalnumberbooklets) = YES;
Now, k(s) will have the elements 1 to totalnumberbooklets